Public School Program (J1 Visa)
Explore a new culture, sharpen your language skills and immerse yourself in an authentic American high school experience while living with a carefully screened volunteer host family. Per the Department of State, exchange students in this program cannot live with a member of their family who resides in the U.S.. Public high schools offer a variety of extra-curricular activities to choose from including; sports, theater, music and student clubs. The location of a student’s placement is determined by the location of their volunteer host family. In most cases, this program does not require students to pay tuition to attend school.
Public School Select Program (F1 Visa)
Our Public School Select Program offers students the same opportunities as the Public School Program noted above. The difference is, students can select which school district they wish to be presented to for consideration of acceptance. In most cases, host families in this program are paid a monthly host family stipend. In addition to a program fee, students are required to pay tuition, which varies significantly by each school. Please note, only a select number of public schools accept F1 visa students.
Private School Program (F1 and J1 Visas, depending on school)
Our partner schools, located throughout the United States, are well known for their dedication to superior academic quality, small class sizes and extra-curricular activities (sports, clubs, music, etc.). In most cases, host families in this program are paid a monthly host family stipend. In addition to a program fee, students are required to pay tuition and school fees. This amount varies significantly based on the school.
Boarding School Program (F1 Visa)
Our Private Boarding School Program allows you to select from a variety of quality private boarding schools with excellent academic offerings and high university acceptance rates of their graduates. This is the ideal program if you plan to graduate with a U.S. diploma and plan to pursue university studies in the United States. Students live in same gender or coed housing managed by the school. In addition to a program fee, students are required to pay tuition, boarding and school fees. This amount varies significantly based on the school.
Participation in an iE program is granted following the successful completion of an online application, interview, proof of sufficient English proficiency and academic standing. Visas will be issued to accepted students following the completion of the above and receipt of payment.

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Students must come through a designated student exchange organization in their home country.