Hosting an international student is a life-changing experience for the entire family that lasts well after the time of the exchange. When you open up your heart and home to an exchange student, you are doing much more than making their dream come true!
You are:
- learning about your student’s culture and traditions
- modeling cultural acceptance for your own children
- making a positive and meaningful impact on your exchange student, family, school and community
- eligible for a grant for iE’s German and Spanish Summer Immersion Programs (for U.S. host siblings 14-18)
- learning about your student’s culture and traditions

Host families come in all different shapes and sizes, including families with and without children, single parents, empty nesters or same-sex couples. And, you can live anywhere – the suburbs, the city or in the country! What matters most is that you provide a safe and caring environment for an exchange student to live. Your love, guidance and support will mean the world them!

iE provides:
- A Local Coordinator who provides ongoing support and guidance for the student and host family throughout their exchange experience.
- Orientations and resources for all students and host families.
- A 24/7 emergency phone number answered by iE staff.
- Regular communication including timely and helpful suggestions, reminders and important information.
Host Family provides:
- A permanent bed: Students may share a room with a host sibling of the same gender and similar age.
- 3 meals a day: Students pay for their own hot lunch at school, if desired.
- Reasonable transportation to events, school activities, etc.
- A willingness to include the student in day-to-day activities like family dinners.
Student provides:
- Spending money for personal expenses, incl. school/sports fees, personal entertainment, clothes, souvenirs, etc.
- The cost to have a U.S. cell phone plan while on exchange
- Their own medical insurance to cover injuries and illnesses while they are on exchange in the U.S.
- A willingness to be an active part of your family, their host school, and their host community.

Complete an iE Host Family Application
Provide iE information about you, your family and your community. Select portions of your application will be visible by the exchange student you ultimately decide to host.

Background Check
Anyone 18 and older living in a host family’s home completes a Criminal Background Check through a secure online portal. This background check is for criminal history (not a financial credit check). There are no costs associated with the criminal background check.

Host Family Interview
An iE representative will come to your home to discuss the details of hosting an iE student, and answer any questions you may have. The visit is also an opportunity for iE to see firsthand where an exchange student would be living to ensure it meets the hosting requirements.

Select your student
Once your application has been submitted and approved, your iE Local Coordinator will help you select a student that is the best fit for you and your family.

When can I start communicating with my student?
Once a student’s placement is finalized, the host family and student can begin communicating with each other via email, phone, etc.
Can I host more than one student at a time?
Yes! A host family may host two students in their home at the same time, which is called a double placement. The students must be from different countries and speak different native languages.
Will hosting disrupt our family life?
Students are eager to be an active part of your family. The goal of their exchange is to experience what the day-to-day life is like for a student in America. Therefore, we recommend that you do not to change your routine.
Do I get paid to host an exchange student?
No, most of our host families are volunteers.
If you are looking for a paid opportunity with iE, consider becoming a local coordinator.
Realistically, what is our financial commitment?
The only expenses for your family will be the costs of including another person in your regular activities, including meals, housing and reasonable transportation.
How are iE exchange students chosen?
A thorough application and vetting process occurs to ensure iE’s students are qualified and prepared to live and study abroad. In addition to academic requirements, teacher references, and English proficiency exams, iE staff conduct a lengthy home interview with each potential student and their natural parents prior to accepting them into our program.
When is my student notified of their placement?
Click here to find out more information.