At this time of year, a quick Google search will find you a gift guide for just about everyone on your list.

But not every gift needs to cost a lot of money โ€” in fact, some of the most meaningful gifts involve giving of your time and energy to make those you love most feel thought of and appreciated.

Here are just a few of the BEST gifts you can give the host family or international student in your life.


The period between Thanksgiving and the New Year is often full of extra activities, which translates to lots of time in the car for busy host parents. Offering to give a ride to or from practice, a holiday activity, or school can make a world of difference!

Whether you’re hosting a cookie exchange, seeing a Christmas play, or driving to view the holiday lights, inviting a student and their host family to join in on the festivity is one meaningful way to make both feel like they’re part of your community.

At this time of year it’s common for students to miss their friends and family a little extra. Asking about what they love most about the holidays in their home country is a great way to help them feel seen and understood.

It truly takes a village โ€” thanks for being a part of ours.

Whether you’re a host family, exchange student, or local coordinator, OR you support the members of your iE family in any of the above ways โ€” thank you for making our work possible. We couldn’t do it without you!ย 

Interested in joining our global family? Click below to find out how you can start making a difference today.